Saturday, 1 October 2016

First month

This week marks one month of being in Okinawa. It does feel like I have been here a while in that I feel completely settled into my routine here, but at the same time I can hear the clock ticking.  I realized this when I studied abroad in Australia as well, the point when I no longer feel like I'm "traveling" but rather that I live here. BUT I am still trying to remind myself that there is still so much I have planned on doing here and time will go by too quickly.

I spent some time during the past few days planning upcoming trips. As I mentioned before I am flying to Taiwan next weekend and have a trip to mainland Japan in November coming up as well. Larger trips aside though, I got my International Drivers Permit last week, and I am ready to explore Okinawa more. (Note to any future co-ops/interns at OIST, I thought I would be able to get around Okinawa on the public bus and by bike but if you can, having your IDP is the way to go. OIST has cars you can sign out for FREE and driving on the left side of the road is not as terrifying as I had thought it would be).

This weeks explorations included:

A return trip to Chatan (American village) where we stopped by an arcade. Considering my "arcade" experience consists of  chucky cheese as a five year old I completely floundered compared with the local pros.

We also went snorkeling a few more times (I wish I had an underwater camera) but highlights were an eel, a puffer fish, and a venomous sea snake :O

We're supposed to get hit with a typhoon on Tuesday so I'm going to enjoy the sun while its here :)

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